The original cost of fixed assets manufactured or constructed by an enterprise itself shall be the actual expenses incurred in their manufacture or construction. depreciated ( book) value 自制、建的固定资产,以制造、造过程中所发生的实际支出为原价。固定资本余值,资产帐面价值
The water consumption is considered in the original comprehensive coal cost consumption rate based on the principles of "energy value analysis". 从包装整个系统出发,分析研究了包装价值的内涵,包括功能价值和外延价值。
The value management overcomes the original profit management flaw, creates the economic efficiency higher than the capital opportunity cost, The economical capital is an important component of the Commercial bank value management. 价值管理克服了原有的利润管理的缺陷,创造了高于资本机会成本的经济效益,经济资本是商业银行价值管理的一个重要组成部分。